Certification programs - Certified Associate Project Manager - CAPM® and/or Project Manager Professional - PMP®
Enhance and accelerate your career growth. We offer two certificate programs that increase job effectiveness — The Project Management Certificate Program (PMP® Basic course) and The PMP® Project Management Exam Preparation.Completing a certificate program demonstrates your commitment to increased knowledge and skills, and dedication to your profession.
Project Management Professional (PMP®) became the international recognized benchmark within project management. In consequence the PMP® Certification is only awarded to experienced project managers. It recognizes project management professionals who have attained the knowledge and experience to oversee all aspects of project management including initiation, scheduling, quality, procurement, and communications issues. It demonstrates that you have mastered essential project management skills and knowledge.
It is more and more used in companies because project managers are using the same way of executing projects, same vocabulary etc…
Requirements to receive PMP® Certification
To receive the PMP®certification, you must demonstrate the required “long-term commitment” to project management professionalism. You must have besides 35 PDU (personal development units):
a bachelor degree and 4,500 hours of relevant project management experience in the past 6 years or
a high school diploma or equivalent and 7,500 hours of relevant project management experience in the past 8 years.
Moreover, you have to pass a qualifying exam, called the Project Management Professional Certification Examination, at the Project Management Institute (PMI). This rigorous, 200-question exam, is one of the highest caliber. It is substantially based on the Project Management Body of Knowledge PMBOK®Guide, which is a base line manual, developed by PMI, that details expectations for project managers across knowledge areas and industries, from construction and government to clinical trials and software and hardware product development.
1. PMP® Preparation Course BASIC PROGRAM: all ten areas of the PMBOK® Guide 6th edition and the 12 Principles of the PMBOK®Guide 7th edition


For those who do not fulfill the prerequisites for PMP®-application, we are offering you this 24 hour program. It focuses on understanding the terms, methods, procedures and documents that are the subject matter of the examination. The course will handle all ten knowledge areas of the PMBOK®Guide 6th edition and the 12 Principles of the PMBOK®Guide 7th edition
Duration: 3 days
Course level: intermediate training
Price: Call us for a quote
Testimonial and letter:
Dear Didier Brackx,
I am very proud to announce that I passed the PMP® exam on December 21st and I want to share my experience with you and the future candidates. As Didier said the PMP® certification is not for free. It takes a long time to study and digest the concepts. Personally I spent evenings, time during the weekends and I ended with six days off studying full time like a student in the rush at the university. Somebody told me Didier estimates 200 hours are necessary, I think I should not be far from that. If I can give some advises based on what I did I would say:
> Focus on the slides provided by Didier more than on the PMBOK®Guide. Actually I read the PMBOK®Guide once and then used it mainly as reference (glossary and definitions are very useful for example). Reading PMBOK®Guide is very long and if I had to do it again I would not begin my study with reading PMBOK®Guide. I would begin with the slides and exercises. The slides are much more synthetics and enable the visual memorization. Some passed the exam and never read the book before.
> Make a lot of exercises because even if they are not the same as the ones of the exam, they are similar. Exercises from Didier Brackx are very good and very practical ! Exercises are the best way to understand the practical use of the concepts.
> Didier suggests reading additional books. It is certainly very useful but from my experience it is not mandatory. I would recommend spending that time on exercises.
> I think it is not easy to evaluate oneself with regards to the level to reach to pass exam. Personally I remember having scored nearly 75% for the Simulation exam 2 of the second exam mode series on the CD you can by from Xenturion. This is an indicator that the candidate is probably ready to pass.
> And last but not least, 200 questions in 4 hours is a challenge. It is a 4-hour sprint without rest. The time is short but enough provided that you are well prepared and trained. It is hard and a permanent race against time. Fortunately at the end you feel satisfaction and relief because when you are well prepared you pass the exam. There is no bad luck. I 'd like to thank Didier Brackx for the quality of the training and the quality of the training material. Thank you for your support and prompt answers. I don't know how far (as far as possible) I will bring PMP® in the way I manage the projects but for sure the concepts are of interest and passing the exam is a personal achievement I am proud of. Feel free to share my feedback. Future candidates can contact me.
(F. Bernard, Project Manager Tractebel - December 2015)
Testimonial: Waw, just an amazing course ! I have never had a more practical course in project management than the one of Professor Didier Brackx. He IS good ! Very enthousiastic and explains even the most difficult problems into an easy solution. Thank you for this. I have entered the walhalla of project management. I see the light !
(F. Nicolucci, Project Manager - November 2015)
Testimonial: Ik heb het volgende bijzonder geapprecieerd in de cursus: Didier Brackx is bijzonder goed op de hoogte over de topic (PMP® credential, examen, PMI, …):
- Hij maakt gebruik van zijn uitbundige praktijk om heel wat PM theorie concreet te maken aan de hand van voorbeelden.
- Dankzij zijn dynamische, interactieve en humoristische stijl houdt hij iedereen wakker en gefocust!
- Heel gericht naar het examen toe, met tips en tricks. Ik kan nu eindelijk de 3 lettertjes (PMP®) achter mijn naam zetten !
(L. Meunier, Project Manager, PMP®)
2. PMP® Preparation Course EXAM PREPARATION


Successfully passing the Project Management Professional Examination,as defined in the Exam Content Outline starting January 2021 requires extensive preparation time and effort. This time and effort can be significantly reduced through the support of an experienced PMP® certified trainer.
Through an intense training seminar, he will teach you the content and skills necessary to pass the exam. The study material and training method follows the exam format and covers all the required areas of expertise. This program will prepare you to think the PMI way and covers the most useful test-taking strategies for the PMP® exam. The course ends with a exam simulation.
The support you can expect from your PMP® trainer is not only based on an intensive seminar, he will also give you answers to any questions that may arise during the application process and assistance if needed right up to the examination date. Attending this seminar will reinforce your knowledge, build your confidence level, develop your exam writing skills and make you walk into the exam fully prepared for success.
Duration: 3 days
Course level: intermediate training
Price: Call us for a quote